Recent job offers at Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH

Recent Job Offers

Currently we have the following open positions for our location in Kempten. We are also always looking for software and system developers for our location in Düsseldorf. We look forward to receiving your meaningful application documents.

Is there no suitable position for you? Send us your unsolicited application and we will contact you immediately.

Embedded Software Developer

As a senior embedded software developer, you have a degree in computer science, electrical engineering or a comparable field of study and preferably 3-5 years of professional experience... more

Unsolicited application

No suitable position? Let us know which department you would like to work in and when you would like to start. We would be happy to check whether we have a suitable application option for you.

We look forward to your application!


Contact Person

Susanne Thanner

Phone:  +49 831 575 900 157

Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH
Georg-Krug-Straße 2
87437 Kempten