IoT Analytics Manager - cloud based data visualization and analysis
IoT Analytics Manager - cloud based data visualization and analysis

IoT Analytics Manager

Cloud based platform for data vi­su­ali­za­tion and analysis

Key Features

  • Analysis and evaluation charts
  • Storage and visualization of device and vehicle data
  • Drag and drop functionality
  • Live data monitoring
  • Configurable dashboards, widgets and histograms
  • Individual configuration


The IoT Analytics Manager is a cloud-based tool for storing and visualizing your operational data (Big Data). OEM data can be analyzed and evaluated in various con­fi­gur­able dash­boards, widgets and histo­grams. The amount of data and data traffic can be individually configured for dif­ferent use cases. In addition, live data inte­gra­tion for real-time moni­tor­ing is pos­sible, which can be in­di­vi­du­ally configured by the customer.

The IoT Analytics Manager can be hosted on a server on the Sontheim side or seamlessly in­te­gra­ted into an existing customer in­fra­struc­ture. Secure data transfer is ensured thanks to SSL/TLS cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and can even be ex­tended ac­cording to in­di­vi­dual customer re­quire­ments. IoT Analytics Manager can be branded OEM-­specific. This allows the user to create dif­fer­ent user levels, for viewing with dif­fer­ent rights or for easy inte­gra­tion of sub supplier views.

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