Printing technology from Sontheim

Printing technology

In spite of the efforts towards paperless orga­ni­sa­tions, prin­ting systems are still an im­por­tant and in­dis­pen­sable part of the industry. For this very reason, the op­ti­mi­za­tion of process time as well as material costs – while maintaining con­sis­tent quality – are key factors in the field of industrial printing technology.

Our solution is EvoPrint®. It is sig­nif­i­cant­ly faster than con­ven­tio­nal print­ing systems. Thanks to a wide range of ex­pan­sion options, customer-­specific so­lu­tions can be im­ple­men­ted with­out any problems. A smooth in­te­gra­tion into ex­is­ting ma­chines without restricting the production pro­cess is guaranteed by our solution.

EvoPrint - the printing system for seamless integration into existing processes


EvoPrint® en­ables seam­less inte­gra­tion in­to ex­is­ting ma­chine pro­ces­ses with­out chang­ing the pro­duc­tion flow. The max­imum print­ing speed is up to 180 m/min.

  • Active speed compensation
  • Printing during positive or negative acceleration
  • Software and firmware updates in the field via LAN

Case Studies - Printing & Control Technology

Case Studies - EvoPrint - Printing system

EvoPrint® – Printing System

For a leading OEM of CNC-controlled joinery machines, Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH has developed a future-proof printing system based on inkjet technology… more

Case Studies - eControl micro and eControl nano

eControl micro and eControl nano

Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH has developed the eControl family for two major OEMs in the mechanical engineering industry… more